Get on course for a jobyou’ll love

Bottom: Boscastle flood defence scheme. Project by Nicholas Pearson Associates. © Nicholas Pearson Associates
It’s decision time. You know you want to:
- Make your mark on the world around you
- Use your creativity to solve real problems
- Play your part in protecting the environment
- Work outdoors and get your hands dirty
- Do something different every day
But you’re not sure where to go from here.
A career in landscape might be for you.
Landscape professionals design, plan and manage all kinds of outdoor spaces. A sort of eco-architect.

You could turn a waste of space into somewhere people want to hang out.A place that protects the planet, instead of polluting it.
A place fit for the future.
There are lots of journeys you can take to get qualified and find work. Whether you’re choosing your GCSEs, A levels or degree, picking an apprenticeship, or looking to change direction, you’ve come to the right place.
First, let’s have a look at the different types of landscape jobs you could do.
It’s a career which can bring changes to everyday life and have huge impact on the environment around us. It’s a profession that can shape our future world.
Yue Rao, Chartered member of the Landscape Institute and landscape architect