The hardest career step is often the first. There are three key things all graduates should remember:
- Companies are looking for potential, not the finished product.
- Companies are looking for a good fit – people with similar interests and ethics.
- Companies are looking for a good attitude – someone who is interested in them, and keen to learn.
CV writing
One page is enough. Keep it concise and clear, and remember that this is an introduction – not a full life story!
Two key tips:
- Write a 3- or 4-line introduction, or a few bullet points. Talk about your landscape interests, your general skills, and the role you are looking for. Sell yourself.
- Always include your IT and digital skills, and grade your ability for each: novice, intermediate, advanced or expert. Be honest.
Sample folio
Your sample folio should be 10-14 pages long and less than 10mb in size. Try to show different types of project, different skills, and a range of scales.
Again, this is an introduction document – it should showcase a diverse selection of your strongest work. (You can present your full folio at interview.)
Approaching companies
You have a great CV and sample folio. The next step is critical: target companies that interest you, and make sure you email decision makers – not generic ‘mail@’ or ‘contact@’ addresses. (Target company owners, HR Managers, associates – those under more pressure to hire new staff.)
If you don’t get a response, don’t be surprised. Just keep trying. Persistence shows interest – in my experience, you can’t be too keen. Review job boards and company webpages, create your own shortlist of target companies, and above all, be tenacious!

Carl Thomas
Carl Thomas is a former planner and landscape architect. Previously with the international landscape firm Gillespies, he now runs Locri, a specialist landscape and environment recruitment agency.